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No. 13 | Oh, how embarassing!

No. 13
Oh, how embarassing!

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We all suffer embarrassing moments and feel ashamed when other people happen to witness them. But if someone is there to help us through an embarrassing situation or listen to us recounting it, we don’t end up feeling so bad about ourselves. Plus, our relationship with that person will only grow stronger.

Leo finds this out for himself in the story Being invisible. As he had already feared might be the case, people laugh at him at school because his carnival costume is too simple and boring. He just wants the ground to swallow him up. But Miriam and Felix turn out to be truly lovely people and, in the end, Leo goes home with his head held high and a smile on his face.
As wide as the Mediterranean Sea covers a classic cause of embarrassment – little ones wetting themselves at nursery. Timmy’s parents help their son to apply a little humour to this unpleasant situation and he even ends up laughing out loud about it. There are all sorts of embarrassing situations to spot in our hidden object game. Then, on Page 38, children are encouraged to ask their parents to tell them about their own embarrassing moments from when they were little.

Authors & Illustrators: Elisabeth Steinkellner, Lili Richter, Hubert Schirneck, Tessa Sima, Katja Mock, Lenz Mosbacher, Joanne Liu, Agi Ofner

40 pages, haptically appealing paper, 20x22cm, commercial-free, printed according to the guidelines of the Austrian ecolabel

Available in several language combinations.

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