No. 17
In this issue the stories and illustrations are even more colourful than usual because the theme of Papperlapapp No. 17 is colours – our world would be quite dull and grey without them.
The cheerful story entitled Mr Multi-Coloured and Mrs Grey shows in loud colours that the life of an ostensibly grey mouse can be inwardly so colourful that even a gaily coloured prejudiced bird is left with its beak hanging open. The second story addresses the question What colour is the sky? The capybara, sloth, bat and coati perceive the blue of the sky completely differently, and it is only when they all adopt the same posture that they agree on the colour of the sky and together enjoy an entirely new vision of the world. The brainteasers encourage children to assign a specific colour to certain feelings. Those wishing to look at the world in their favourite colour can follow the instructions referred to on the activity page. The picture puzzle gives the children the task of finding animals that are not painted in their natural colour.
Authors & Illustrators: Lena Raubaum, Joanne Liu, Kerstin Hau, Laura D’Arcangelo, Alexander Strohmaier, Jürg Lindenberger, Lenz Mosbacher, Tanja Esch, Agi Ofner
40 pages, haptically appealing paper, 20x22cm, commercial-free, printed according to the guidelines of the Austrian ecolabel
Available in several language combinations.