No. 20
Reading and writing
It’s no wonder we learn to read and write so early in school – we need written words to communicate so that we can interact with the world. Papperlapapp is also full of written words that are looking to be read. That’s why we devote issue No. 20 to the cultural techniques of reading and writing.
In the story Catherine has been able to do it for ages! written by Sarah Michaela Orlovský and illustrated by Kristina Heldmann, the protagonist is being hassled by her older brother who is boasting about already being able to read and write. But then she shows him and the rest of the family that she can, too, in her own way – AND has been able to do it for ages! By contrast, the letter dragon (written by Saskia Hula and illustrated by Christoph Abbrederis) would be quite a peaceful pet if it didn’t eat everything that was written. The fact that it gobbles up shopping lists, calendars, files of documents and cookbooks is particularly annoying. How to get it to stop? Amir knows how – and it also has to do with language …
Authors & Illustrators: Sarah Michaela Orlovský, Kristina Heldmann, Saskia Hula, Christoph Abbrederis, Léa Decan, Lenz Mosbacher, Lindsay Grime, Claudia Dzengel, Inkymole
40 pages, haptically appealing paper, 20x22cm, commercial-free, printed according to the guidelines of the Austrian ecolabel
Available in several language combinations.